网址: http://www.shixi8.com/company/19983.html 复制 | 收藏
  • 城市:顺义
  • 类型:外商独资
  • 行业:计算机/互联网
  • 规模:500-999
  • 性质:企业
  • 地址:北京市顺义区安祥大街 12号院7号楼
  • 联系人:张女士
     China is the most important market for the big German premium vehicle manufactures. It is part of the self-understanding of the BMW Group to be in the leadership position of this competition both today and in the future. The BMW R&D center in Beijing plays a key-role in achieving this goal. To support our Project management team to create and improve processes to steer development and validation tasks we are currently offering an internship position in this field.
  • TPM实习生  2021-12-08  2000-3000元  项目执行/协调人员
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